METROFEST Barcelona 2024: better every year!

July 23, 2024

Last Thursday July 18th was held in Barcelona another edition of the famous party that Metropolitana does every summer.

This year it was named as METROFEST Barcelona 2024 and the creativity of the campaign to advertise it, both this party and the one held in Madrid on July 4, was in charge of the students of the Barcelona School of Creativity, with which Metropolitana has been collaborating for several years.

The campaign was based on the idea that, in general, the protagonist of this party is not the music, but the protagonists are all the attendees, as we meet to talk and communicate, tell each other news, stories and enjoy sharing this moment.

We made noise in the RRSS with a series of very colorful posters in a humorous tone, capturing great phrases that in the audiovisual and advertising sector we may have heard once or twice. Here are some examples of the pieces:

In addition, we created a series of videos and a list of our own hits for METROFEST Barcelona 2024 and METROFEST Madrid 2024, which are basically audios of conversations that can be held perfectly in any METROFEST. Click here if you want to check our playlist on Soundcloud.

We could not miss the photos of the party, you can check the full gallery and you can download them by clicking here.

Thank you very much to all of you for attending both METROFEST Madrid 2024 and METROFEST Barcelona 2024, and, of course, we hope to see you next year!